Why do we use synthetic chemicals and why should we stop this toxic legacy?

Why do we use synthetic chemicals and why should we stop this toxic legacy?

Imagining a world free of toxic synthetic chemicals is a Utopia for me. I often daydream about it. It is that dream that I continue to chase in my journey as a wellness professional and an entrepreneur. As we talk about beauty, simultaneously, we think about the side-effects of it. But looking back at our traditional definition of beauty and health indicates that it was not like that always. Back in the day, “beauty” was pure and free of side-effects. The chemicals that have become a part of our everyday skincare regime were back in the time, not even talked about. What happened then? Did we relinquish our age-old recipes and practices to incorporate slow toxicity into our routines? I am afraid that is so. Today, let us try to know why we continue to fuel the fire and let these venomous chemicals take control and why we must stop it.

In the year 2018, a survey in NYC found that “90% of consumers believed that natural or naturally-derived beauty ingredients were better for them.” This survey made several brands rush to declare their ingredients publicly. The result was a shocked audience still wanting to have the goodness of natural products in ready-made form for the betterment of their skin health.

With increased cautiousness, increased demand. Everyone started to be skeptical about the ingredients in their favorite skincare. With more articles and videos flooding the market in the subsequent years, even the need to have a proper skincare routine increased. But they weren’t nearly enough.

Then something strange and awful happened. Due to the sudden befall of the greatest tragedy of our times, the tragedy of COVID-19 on all of us, our consciousness came to life again. We realized how important random terms like “Immunity“, “Skin health”, “Natural” are. With people staying indoors and not being able to get their hands on fancy skin care products loaded with toxic chemicals, the 5,000 years old science of Ayurveda is now being religiously googled. But choosing natural products for your skin health is not a one day task. It is a process. There has to be a smooth transition. We want to make that transition but not knowing where to start is what is hindering it.

You would not be surprised to know that to have a healthy life, healthy skin is equally important. In the context of today’s infected and adulterated world, some synthetic chemicals go deep into the system and damage your internal organs and immune system as well.

To dive deeper, let’s discuss the nemesis; the 7 very basic but harmful chemicals-

1. Parabens – These are the Preservatives that prevent the growth of bacteria, mold, and yeast in cosmetic products. They also contribute to the increased risk of BREAST CANCER.

2. Synthetic Colours- Synthetic colors are suspected to be a human carcinogen and a skin irritant and are linked to ADHD in children.

3. Fragrances- They are associated with allergies, dermatitis, respiratory distress, and potential effects on the reproductive system.

4. Phthalates- These chemicals are used in hundreds of products to increase the flexibility and softness of plastics. They are known to be endocrine disruptors.

5. SLS/SLES– SLS’s are known to be skin, lung, and eye irritants. They also cause kidney problems.

6. Formaldehyde- They are harmful to the immune system.

7. Phenoxyethanol- Known to cause allergic-type reactions on the skin in some people.

All these chemicals go into those gorgeous bottles and are sold for a lot of money.

Why did we still let these synthetic chemicals rule us?

Synthetic chemicals have a long and toxic legacy. The kind that must be talked about. Especially when personal hygiene, cleanliness, and overall body health is such an issue!

After knowing the various nuances of the synthetic chemicals, we would now look at what compels us to buy them-

1. Easy Availability – You will not get a Sulphate-free shampoo that easily. This proves that shampoos with Sulphates in it are in abundance! They are easily available because they are easily manufactured. Manufacturing natural products take time.

2. Time – Synthetic chemicals make your skin glow almost instantly. This “instantness” results in long-term effects on skin health. The internal organs are eventually damaged. To manufacture natural products it needs a lot of time and trials to reach the final consistency. Only prolonged use of natural products makes them fully effective.

3. Cost-effective- Natural products have a shorter shelf-life as opposed to synthetic chemicals. This extended life due to the use of toxic Preservatives makes them cost-effective.

This list can be extended beyond belief. But as mentioned earlier, the trend is changing.

Why should we stop this toxic legacy?

What we need to realize from this information is that loading yourself with chemical products increases the overall body burden which in turn causes a lot of internal problems.

I’ve gone through the trouble and even developed a lot of rashes and faced headaches, allergies, etc. That was when I decided to come up with a natural wellness brand that will focus on holistic healing.

Why Wikka?

Wikka, my brain-child, is a well-thought initiative. It has its principle laid out on the grounds of nature. We at Wikka, aim to bring the good old ‘nature’ back in every way we can. We detest any use of synthetic chemicals and only incorporate traditional natural ingredients to make natural beauty products, to keep your skin healthy more than beautiful! www.wikka.in

Our world will recover. But let’s not forget why we started to take care of ourselves. Let’s be very conscious about laying down the rules for the “new normal”. Re-think the products that you choose. Any product that you choose has to help your body heal and get better. Your skin is sacred. Do not let it bear the brunt of synthetic chemicals. When it comes to our skin health, one has to be wise especially in times like these. Use your knowledge and wisdom to scout what works best for you. Self-care is not a luxury. It is the need of time. #InvestInYourself and initiate your body towards holistic healing. However damaged your skin is, believe that nature has the power to heal it.

As Albert Einstein once said, “Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better.”

R.A.Arom(London), Aromatherapy Practitioner and Perfumer, Founder & Creative Director – Wikka
Posts created 37

9 thoughts on “Why do we use synthetic chemicals and why should we stop this toxic legacy?

  1. Fortunately I do not use much of any chemicals. But I know they are harmful. I was not aware that it had so many harmful effects though. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. A very informative post.
    We a should definitely try to stop using synthetic chemicals which are certainly harmful.

  3. Actually I do believe in the natural ways of healing and the principles of Ayurveda. Your post was extremely helpful in understanding what can cause harm to our bodies.

  4. This is such an informative and thoughtful post. Totally loved reading and learning from it on how to avoid synthetic chemicals

  5. Yes, chemicals are quite dangerous for our skin. Thankfully, I hardly use any chemicals on my skin and also make sure that my shampoo is free of all the harmful synthetic chemicals. Wikka sounds like a great initiative. I would definitely love to check out more about it.

  6. A great insightful post indeed… Chemicals are always harmful and one shouldn’t use much of chemical products… These days we use so much chemical sanitizer hope it doesn’t have any ill effects

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