Lockdown Rupal Shabnam Tyagi

Managing business, kids and my skin – Lockdown Diaries

“Gratitude turns, what we have, into enough” – Aesop

I’ve always believed in carpe diem. When I’m not in my office, one can always find me brewing essential oils, reading great minds or painting my own thoughts on the canvas. I’ve never been lying on a couch – gossiping around – doing nothing – kind of a person. As they say, Leadership is not just dictating stuff but also practicing what you preach. I like to seize the day to the fullest. Ever since the lockdown happened, I’ve been spending all the time with my family like most of us. Somewhere during the dusk and dawn together, life confronted me with one simple fact – It doesn’t have to be the routine that keeps you happy! It can be sipping a cup of your favourite green tea and enjoying a good movie night. Or cooking your kids their favourite meal and watching them eat it. Or what I like the most, taking the dreadful silences of life and filling them with the laughter of your loved ones. All the elementary things in life. The greatest realization would be the saying from above, “Gratitude turns, what we have, into enough”.

During the first week of this much-dreaded lockdown, my feed used to be filled with #quarantinecontent. Just yesterday did I realize how drastically the numbers have gone down. The relaxation that the first week had brought into all our lives was welcomed with new recipes, more skincare and lots of new activities. Now, as days pass, we only sulk. It turns out that the anxiety, stress and mood swings are never-ending. Every piece of news comes like a direct blow, stern and unkind and leaves us worried and agitated. As obvious as it is, it doesn’t have to be. We can find out ways together to be happy in these emotionally overwhelming times and create something memorable out of it.

Today, for the sake of sharing my gratitude and for people who have been asking me how I am managing my business, my kids and my skin in this lockdown, I have decided to share my routine. This one is for all those stuck at home and feeling the discomfort. To help spread positivity, health, and joy.

As you know, I am an entrepreneur and a mother of two beautiful kids. One of them is an artist and the other, a computer prodigy. To let both my children not feel the absurdity of the lack of a routine, I try to make a schedule. My day begins late as I study until late at night. I have a keen interest in upgrading my knowledge and adding on to my skills. This is how I managed to study Aromatherapy, Perfumery, and Cosmetology, all of them professionally while being an entrepreneur and a mother. Studying late at night when the little geniuses are off to sleep is how I have all my night time to myself. This is how I keep myself updated on the latest news related to my field and add on to my qualifications. Even in this lockdown, I am working on my knowledge and studying Advanced Organic Cosmetology. A fun fact is that night time is the only time that you can get for yourself when you are a mother. Take it from me. The days are always busy.  Waking up feeling grateful for life and saying a little prayer is how I like to start. As they say, a little prayer goes a long way. The first thing I do is wash my face with water. I’ve discussed in my earlier blogs that only plain water gives you the ultimate cleansing that you need in the morning (Refer to 7 Rules everyone is secretly following this Winter ). Do not strip your skin of its natural oils using chemicals. I then brew my tea and water my plants around the balcony. The tranquillity of the space, the melody of birds, undisturbed by the city’s traffic is the best cure for a troubled heart. My balcony is now home to several species of birds. It has become so much of a spectacle that on some days I wake up early just to catch the bewitching view. This takes away the tiredness that I get while studying at night and gives my mind it’sshare of fresh air. The family then gets together to stretch out. We then have breakfast in the open space, discuss the headlines and let the kids debate. This gives them a feeling of normality. Like on days they went to school. All this is followed by some studying (they take their classes), some sketching, some cooking (the children bake their own bread, cake, and cookies) and loads of skincare. I’m glad I’ve always been an ardent follower of all things natural. This way we take care of our skin using the bare minimum. I apply only dahi and haldi. It is also great for those who often google “skincare for kids”. I also encourage you to take a long bath these days. (Refer to My Idea of Luxury: A Healthy, Relaxing Bath). The more relaxed the mind is, the more effective it is.

The day is followed by some work calls and meetings. My intention is to always fix the timings for work and not let it come between family time. This limits my itch to be productive at all times and keeps me grounded. This is how your management has to be. I cook simple and healthy food using different ingredients. That is the best part of being at home. You get to hone your skills and also have amazing food. After that, we have our evening tea and enjoy the greenery. Family time is so underrated. We don’t realize this but it’s only because of the family that we can survive without all the luxuries available outside.

My day is completed when I see my family happy and content. I feel grateful to have managed all my roles as a mother, an entrepreneur and a beauty professional successfully. If you aren’t on the same page, there is nothing to worry about. It takes time to adapt and change but together, we will get there. I’d further like you to remember the DOs and DON’Ts to follow in this lockdown. I get the “to each his own” philosophy but these have helped me and I’m sure will come handy to you too.


1. Binge on comfort food if it is junk

2. Sleep more than 9-10 hours

3. Try to be productive at all times

4. Be glued to the news

5. Go out if there’s no need


1. Wash your hands

2. Read

3. Indulge with your kids

4. Take time for yourself

5. Make a schedule

To be helpful to each other when there is an apocalypse at the door is what the world needs today. Try and eat healthily. Maintain your sanity and do what you love. We are fortunate enough to be locked down in our lovely homes. This makes us stand in a position to help those who aren’t. It’s a long way to go. Take it one day at a time.  Be kind and generous. With you, your kids are learning how to survive a global crisis, happily. And remember, if you come down without a hobby or a new passion after this, you would still be as amazing. It’s important to just survive this. To put it out in literal terms, we are all waiting for Godot and this time he will show up if we stay at home and help contain the virus. Stay home, do your work with all your heart. Shut the ones who dare ask “Can you run it?” Because you so can! All while being a mother and a quarantine beauty! Sending good thoughts and laughter your way.



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R.A.Arom(London), Aromatherapy Practitioner and Perfumer, Founder & Creative Director – Wikka
Posts created 37

18 thoughts on “Managing business, kids and my skin – Lockdown Diaries

  1. That’s quite a nice way to stay productive and effective during these difficult times. Love the blog and it’s suggestions

    1. Dear Afreen, glad you liked my write up. Keep watching this space for more interesting feeds on wellness.

  2. Wow, now that’s what multitasking is all about.

    You can be really busy even when you are stuck at home, you just need to be innovative.
    Great tips to keep one healthy too.

    1. Dear Sanjay, glad you liked my write up. Keep watching this space for more interesting feeds on wellness.

    1. Dear Anahita, glad you liked my write up. Keep watching this space for more interesting feeds on wellness.

    1. Dear Lancelot, glad you liked my write up. Keep watching this space for more interesting feeds on wellness.

  3. So well written ya. Balancing everything seems tough task. U written good that in donts- don’t c the news and don’t sleep more than 9 hours

    1. Dear Anish, glad you liked my write up. Keep watching this space for more interesting feeds on wellness.

  4. I am utilising this time to spend time with my family especially my daughter is happy to get to spend more time with her father and grandmother.

    1. Dear Manisha, Spending more time with your family is the best you can do in these times. Keep watching this space for more interesting feeds on wellness.

    1. Dear Sapna, glad you liked my write up. Keep watching this space for more interesting feeds on wellness.

    1. Dear Pamela, sometimes Dont’s are more important in life than Do’s. Keep watching this space for more interesting feeds on wellness.

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